

  1. How Hard Driving Negatively Affects Your Wheels

    How Hard Driving Negatively Affects Your Wheels

    If you didn’t know, hard driving your car can take a massive toll on your wheels. We’re here to help if you’d like to learn more about this and how to avoid it.
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  2. Pro-Tip: Clean Your Tires With Soap and Water

    Pro-Tip: Clean Your Tires With Soap and Water

    Cleaning your tires with soap and water is more important than many realize. Check out this article to discover more about this car maintenance tip.
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  3. How Often Should You Replace the Tires on Your Car?

    How Often Should You Replace the Tires on Your Car?

    Car tires can wear out quite quickly compared to other parts of your vehicle. Here’s what you should know about how often you should replace them.

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  4. 4 Things To Know Before Buying Snow Tires

    4 Things To Know Before Buying Snow TiresSnow tires are crucial for some car owners, depending on where they live. If you need some for your vehicle, here are some things you should know.

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  5. Common Causes for Slow Tire Leaks and How To Fix Them

    Slow tire leaks can be hard to spot. It’s good to be aware of the common causes of slow tire leaks and how to fix them so that you can stay safe on the road.

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  6. 6 Safety Tips When Changing a Tire on Busy Roads

    Several things come to mind when an untimely tire snafu occurs. Here are the top safety tips to help you securely and seamlessly change a tire on busy roads.

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  7. Why Winter Tires Are Worth the Investment

    Why Winter Tires Are Worth the Investment

    When winter comes and the roads get slick, it’s important to understand why winter tires are worth the investment and how they improve your car’s performance.
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  8. Tire Wear: Highway Miles vs. City Miles Impact on Tires

    Tire Wear: Highway Miles vs. City Miles Impact on Tires

    Tires wear out differently depending on what kind of environment they experience; let’s compare highway miles versus city miles and the impact on tires.
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  9. A Guide to Upgrading Wheels & Accessories for Your Ride

    A Guide to Upgrading Wheels & Accessories for Your Ride

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  10. Maintaining Your Toyota Corolla: 4 Things You Need To Know Now

    Maintaining Your Toyota Corolla: 4 Things You Need To Know Now

    If you own a Toyota Corolla, it's essential to know how to keep your vehicle maintained. These are four things you should know to keep your car running great.
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  11. Reasons You Should Buy a Honda Accord

    Convincing Reasons You Should Buy a Honda Accord

    Thinking of buying a new car? The Honda Accord could be a perfect fit for you. Learn why in this article.
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  12. Common Reasons Why Tires Crack

    Over time, tires wear down and must be replaced. If your tires are cracking due to any of these common reasons why tires crack, get them replaced right away.

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