Benefits of Professional Installation for Aftermarket Wheels

Picture this: You recently visited WheelerShip and bought yourself a new set of Nissan Maxima black rims. However, you don’t have the tools necessary to install them yourself. That’s perfectly OK! Having a professional install your new aftermarket wheels is a much better option. Here’s a quick list of some benefits you can expect from a wheel installation.

Saves Time

Changing all four wheels of your vehicle is a time-consuming process—especially if you have no experience with removing old wheels and putting new ones on. Something that will take a professional with a proper car lift a few minutes could take a half-hour or longer at home.

On top of that, if you purchased only new rims and plan on using the tires you already have, this process becomes significantly more difficult. Moving a tire and innertube to a new rim requires specialized machinery. It’s best to leave this to the professionals.

Guarantees a Safe and Quality Job

Probably the best benefit of having professionals install aftermarket wheels on your vehicle is the fact that you can rest easy knowing that they’ll do it right. Although this service is fairly basic in concept, there’s a lot that could go wrong, from misalignment of the rims and improper tightening of lug nuts to damage or injury, if installed at home.

Small problems can lead to bigger problems down the road, like unevenly worn tires and brake pads. Going to a professional will ensure your safety while driving your vehicle after the installation, and increase the lifetime of your wheels.

Validates Warranties

The final reason to have a professional take care of this installation is that it keeps any warranties that came with your new wheels valid. This will vary depending on the manufacturer of the rims, but some warranty documents specify that you must have the wheels installed professionally.

You can also benefit from double the protection on your wheels since many shops will offer their own service warranties on the work they do. That means if the source of any future rim problems comes from the installation, you can reach out to the shop for your claim if the manufacturer refuses to cover it.