4 Things To Know Before Buying Snow Tires

Getting ready for the colder months can be a hassle at times. There’s always so much to remember, such as the need to switch to winter tires.

If you don’t currently have the tires you need for this time of year, we’re here to help. This brief guide covers some things to know before buying snow tires. With this advice, your vehicle will be ready to take on the worst winter throws at it.

All-Season Tires Might Not Cut It in Harsh Weather

When buying tires that can handle snow, you might initially want to go with all-season tires so you don’t have to change your wheels twice a year. While all-season tires work well in the snow, they’re not the best option, especially if you will have to drive through snow and slush on a regular basis.

Since all-season tires are for all types of road conditions, they can’t handle tougher situations like deep snow or ice. Tires specifically for snow will be more equipped to deal with harsh conditions.

Tire Chains Aren’t a Fix-All Solution

However, that doesn’t mean you should completely avoid all-season tires. With tire chains, these tires can cut their way through ice or snow on the roads.

However, tire chains aren’t a simple fix-all solution. When using them, you can’t drive your vehicle at fast enough speeds to cruise down a highway since this will damage the chains. Plus, you need to take the chains off whenever the snow melts since they can damage bare pavement. This will lead to a lot of removing and reequipping of your tire chains throughout winter.

Studded Tires Are a Great Option

To avoid the hassle of chains, many people living in snowy regions buy snow-specific tires. However, there’s a lot of variation to this type of tire. Usually, tires that use studs are best since they will help your tires cut through packed snow and ice easily. While this feature isn’t necessary, many users find it to be worthwhile.

Buying New Rims Is Also Smart

The final thing to know before buying snow tires is that you should also get a new set of rims. While these will make your new tires noticeably more expensive, the amount of time, money, and trouble you’ll save will be well worth it. Getting tires on and off a set of rims isn’t easy. In fact, most people don’t even own the tools necessary to do so. That means you’ll need to go to the pros each time you need to switch your tires off your rims.

Buying your snow tires with a set of rims will make it much easier to switch them out yourself at home.

Don’t waste any more time—get your new winter tires today. Check out our snow tires for the Dodge Ram and the numerous others we have in stock. We know you’ll find just the ones you’re looking for!