5 Common Misconceptions About Hybrid Vehicles

Whenever an industry introduces something new, especially when it comes to technology, it’s common for confusion to breed rumors and misconceptions that color general perception. Hybrid vehicles are one of the best recent examples of this. Hybrid cars combine electric motors with gasoline engines to move, and their systems recapture energy via regenerative braking. Many people don’t quite understand what makes them different, how they function, or even how cost-effective they are. To help shed some light, here are five common misconceptions about hybrid vehicles.

The Engine Will Stall If the Battery Dies

The most common misconception about hybrid vehicles is that if the battery dies, the car will come to a dead stop—similar to running out of gas. However, the assumption many people have that their car’s electrical charge is short-lived or that the car won’t notify you when it’s low on power is false. Regenerative braking recharges the battery as you drive using kinetic energy.

Hybrid Vehicles Need To Be Plugged In

When people hear “electric car,” they assume it’s like an appliance in their home that needs plugging in to charge. As previously mentioned, regenerative braking is one method that keeps your car’s batteries charged, but there are other ways to charge your hybrid without using a plug. Because a hybrid vehicle also uses gas, the fuel will transfer energy back to the battery as it burns.

Fully electric cars do need plugging in, because they don’t have gas as a secondary fuel source.

Hybrid Vehicles are Weaker

For some reason, many people assume hybrid vehicles are somehow weaker and smaller. This is another strange myth. Maybe this myth exists because the first iteration of hybrid vehicles was slower, but modern hybrid vehicles are just as powerful as your average car. While hybrids may not replace the power of diesel engines yet, you’ll find SUVs and other larger models that use the hybrid model.

Hybrids Aren’t Fuel Efficient

Because they use electricity and gas, the assumption is that the engine doesn’t need to be as efficient. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as hybrid vehicles typically have a great fuel economy because it doesn’t have to burn as much fuel to achieve the same speeds and performance.

Hybrid Vehicles are Expensive

Because they’re new, hybrid and electric vehicles are often perceived as a luxurious gimmick—expensive and requiring exclusive parts or materials. Rest assured, hybrid and electric vehicles have become much more affordable as they have become commonplace. Additionally, you can depend on third parties like WheelerShip to provide high quality wheels at a fraction of the price – such as Tesla model S wheels. Depend on experts like us to ensure you get the best deals possible.