With warmer weather and more daylight, the itch to hit the road definitely grows strong! There’s nothing quite like taking a classic road trip adventure with your friends or family. Between seeing the sights of an unfamiliar place (or and old favorite!) and spending quality time together, road trips are a great way to spend the spring and summer. Want to take one of your own? Learn how to get the most out of your road trip with these smart travel tips.

Check It Before you Wreck It 

On a road trip, your car will be your main mode of transportation, and you’ll be driving a lotFor this reason, it’s very important to have your vehicle inspected before you leave. Have a mechanic check your oil, tires, battery, brakes, and anything else that could be a concern. (Or you can do it yourself, if you're handy that way!) The last thing you want is for your car to break down while you’re on the road far from home.

Pack an Emergency Kit

On the chance that you do have car problems, it’s best to pack an emergency kit for the trip. A good emergency kit should include jumper cables, flares, water, and medical supplies. It’s also wise to carry a spare tire for your car and the tools you would need to replace one. And this day in age, you may want to have a stash of hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, or disposable face masks, just in case.

Know Before You Go

Before you leave, plan out your trip, at least generally. At the very least, you should know which cities and hotels you’ll be staying at each night. Decide which roads you’ll take and which locations you’d like to visit along the way. And be sure to familiarize yourself with any state or local guidelines regarding COVID-19 travel restrictions, mask ordinances, or testing/quarantine requirements.

Take the Scenic Route

Don’t be afraid to take the scenic route on your road trip. After all, what’s the point of driving instead of flying if all you see is the highway, anyway? Do some research in advance to find out which backroads are worth taking. You’re sure to see some beautiful sights and a new part of the country that you probably wouldn’t have seen if you’d stuck to the main roads.

Bring Entertainment

Let’s face the facts: you’ll spend the majority of your road trip sitting in the car, and you’ll definitely need to bring some entertainment to keep you busy. Before you leave, make a great road trip playlist to listen to as you drive. This could be music, podcasts, or audiobooks. You could also bring other activities such as books, movies, or games. Bringing enough entertainment will be especially important if you’re traveling with children. But don't text and drive!

Embrace Spontaneity

On a road trip, not everything always goes to plan. But that’s part of the fun of the experience! Be willing to keep your plans flexible and make unplanned detours while on the road. Keep an open mind about what you’ll do at your destinations. And if something goes wrong, don’t panic—just adapt and enjoy the ride.

If you follow these smart travel tips for how to get the most out of your road trip, you’re sure to have a fun, memorable adventure. Remember to adequately prepare your vehicle for the trip by making sure your Pontiac G6 wheels and other parts of your car are in good road-tripping condition.