How Your Driving Style Impacts Tires

As we learn to drive, we develop various habits and preferences that can affect our car just as much as any hazard on the road or in the environment. In particular, you can expect your tires to really take a toll—especially if you’ve developed some...questionable driving habits. [LOL] Let’s consider how your driving style impacts your tires, so you can prevent damage and avoid problems before they crop up.

Harsh Braking

Every now and then, for one reason or another, you have to slam on the brakes. It happens —but beware if it starts to become a habit. Slamming on the brake damages both the tires and brake pads by wearing them down with intense amounts of friction. As the brake pads wear down, iron dust residue gets onto your wheels and can potentially cause corrosion. The tires themselves may wear down or get torn up from friction against the road if you’re not careful. The best way to avoid these issues is by simply trying to be more mindful of how and when you press on the brake. Easing to a stop is ideal, and it may simply be a matter of beginning to brake earlier if you have a habit of only braking when you get close to the stop.

Sudden Acceleration

Much like braking too suddenly, flooring it can be just as bad for your tires. This habit typically forms when a driver is in a rush, is stressed or frustrated, or just enjoys the thrill of putting the pedal to the metal. Such sudden acceleration will wear down your tires and could potentially cause a tire blowout if you put too much strain on them.

Incorrect Tire Pressure

If tire maintenance is not your style, then neglected tire pressure can be one of the biggest impacts on your tires condition. Under-inflated tires are inefficient and will cause a lot of drag. Driving with flat tires will use up more gas as your car struggles to maintain a consistent speed. Furthermore, tires that are under-inflated run a greater risk of being damaged by debris or falling off the rims. Over-inflated tires are just as dangerous, however, as such condensed pressure makes them ready to pop from any debris on the road. The most common causes of pressure neglect come from drivers not realizing how the weather affects tire pressure. Cold weather causes the air to condense, meaning you need more air to get the proper tire pressure, while hot weather causes air to expand, meaning you need less pressure. If you notice one of your tires is having trouble keeping its air pressure, then you may need to replace it entirely. Check out our online wheel store to make necessary replacements much easier.